Ofcom. Ofwat. Off to both …

This morning, I have an appointment at the London headquarters of Ofcom, the communications regulator. We have a meeting of  the 4G/TV Coexistence Oversight Board of at800, the body responsible for the mitigation measures for interference of 4G mobile services on digital terrestrial television, and I shall be there in my capacity as the Non-Executive Member with a special interest in consumer issues. We will be discussing how much interference the use of 800 MHz for 4G services will cause in practice and how best to resolve the problems.

This afternoon, I have a meeting with the Chief Executive and others from Ofwat, the water regulator. Ofwat is headquarted in Birmingham, but the workshop is in London, and it will convene representatives of the 20 regulated companies and the chairs of their Customer Challenge Groups. I shall be there as the independent Chair of the Customer Challenge Group at South East Water. We will be discussing the regulator’s price determination process for 2015-2020 and the role of companies and CCGs in producing business plans for the regulator’s examination.

Complex, but interesting, stuff this portfolio working.


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