Best ever week for my web site

I state on the homepage of my web site that each day I receive over 8,000 visits to the site. In fact, last week, visits on the five weekdays averaged 9,000 a day. Around half of all the visits are to NightHawk. So many thanks for your interest and support.

The coming month will probably be different because I will not be in a position to blog each day as I normally do. Vee and I are off on a holiday to Australia and New Zealand, stopping on the way out in Bangkok for a few days and stopping on the way back in San Francisco for a few days – so, literally round the world.

Note to any burglars: the house will be occupied throughout by a friend who is going to be doing some building work for us. Note to our bank manager: be kind to us.

If I can master the technology, while we are away I will try to post regular reports on this blog – so do please check it out.



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