Just done most of the Christmas shopping

Each Christmas, my sister organises an extended family reunion at her home in Leicester. It used to be the day after Boxing Day, but sometimes people were away visiting other relatives so, in recent years, the event has been convened a couple of weekends before Christmas to maximise attendance. This year, we gather this Saturday.

So, even though this is an incredibly busy week for me workwise, I’ve been in Harrow this morning doing Christmas shopping. Mostly I’ve bought books – I think they are great gifts for young and old. I’ve made the purchases at Waterstone’s – Amazon already makes enough money out of me and doesn’t pay enough tax in the UK.

Off now to a meeting at Ofcom to discuss the problem that 4G mobile will present for viewers of digital terrestrial television. Then, in the evening, I’m attending a private sereening of the new film version of “Les Miserables” wearing one of the six hats I now have with all my various appointments.


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