Rating your doctor

A new British web site opens today which enables all citizens to rate their doctors and comment on the treatment received. The site is called “I want great care”. As this article explains, the initiative is controversial with doctors who fear unfair or even libellous comments.
In principle, I’m in favour of any scheme which empowers consumers or users of services, but I hope that those who post comments will be measured and that any unfair comments are quickly removed. I trust that the doctor behind the project – Dr Neil Bacon – has some good insurance in the event of legal actions.


  • ken rite

    I was a patient of Doctor Raja about a few months ago.On registering with him I was asked about my religion.I told him I did not have any religion.He still insisted, and wanted to know my parent’s religion.I insisted that I do not believe in any religions etc.He did not seem very happy about it. After that, whenever I went for treatment, he was not so nice. Apparently he is Moslem and there is propaganda in the clinic about circumcision etc.I don’t think a doctor has the right to ask about a person’s religion belief etc.
    His address is :Doctor Raja,
    Green Lanes, LONDON N15.

  • pf

    There’s already an even more comprehensive healthcare rating site for doctors, dentists, hospitals and more for all of the EU herer.


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