How happy are you?

Denmark is the happiest country in the world and Zimbabwe the least happy, according to new data just released by the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research as part of its World Values Survey. The USA only comes 16th, while the UK is just 21st, out of 97 countries – containing 90% of the world’s population – that were surveyed.
The survey suggested that most people in most countries are becoming happier. In the 52 countries for which a time series is available, the happiest index rose in 40 cases.
You can check put the media release here and view the results for 97 countries here. Another way of looking at this data is the Inglehart-Welzel Cultural Map of the World.
If you want some ideas on how to make a country happier, look at my review of the Richard Layard book “Happiness”. If you want some tips for your personal situation, you should look at my web page on “How To Be Happy”.


  • Mavis Smith

    Wonder if we are 21st because we would not want to answer Yes to Happiness in case someone was listening and we incurred the wrath of the Gods. Bet we answered – ‘so so’

  • Zipporah Diehl

    Hallo Mr Roger Darlington,
    Please help me to write down a professional, business presentation using power point.
    I have gone through your information on the web and found it very useful, but the problem is that l am nervous since this is my first presentation to make. Your feedback will be highly appreciated.

  • Roger Darlington

    I will e-mail you, Zippy.


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