Women substantially underrepresented in the movies both before and behind the camera

The Gina Davis Institute on Gender in Media has analysed the 56 top-grossing films of 2018 in 20 countries in North America, Scandinavia, Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe.

Almost half of the characters across the films analysed, which collectively earned $21bn (£17bn) at the box office, were white. Only one of the 60 female leaders in the films was LGBTQ+. None of the films was directed by a woman, only a quarter had at least one female producer and one in 10 had at least one woman on the writing team.

Male characters were shown as being more effective and more respected when in leadership positions, while female presidents and prime ministers were portrayed as struggling with the job. Where female characters were portrayed as strong, it was in the home.

Gina Davis starred in the film “Thelma And Louise” which failed to alter Hollywood production and she had the leading role in the television series “Commader-In-Chief” which was cancelled after just one series.

More information here.


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