Chilling in hot Nairobi

Sunday was my last full day in Nairobi (I fly home Monday night). Even on weekends, at home in London, I always have a busy programme as I like to be active, productive, and sociable. But Sunday here in Nairobi was as chilled out – allowing for the strong sun – as could be.

On Sundays, my son Rich sometimes takes his daughter Catrin to a local hotel where there is a large swimming pool. Indeed, on our visit to Nairobi in October, Vee and I stayed at this hotel and joined Rich & Catrin for a morning swimming session.

This time, we really took advantage of the opportunity and spent five hours swimming and sunbathing. One can always purchase cold drinks and this weekend there was a delicious buffet. So I really chilled out and should return home looking a little less pale than most Londoners.

Catrin continues to be an absolute delight. She has taken to joining me in bed in the middle of the night and I put her to bed each evening so we are really spending lots of hours together building up lots of fun memories (shades of “Inside Out”) before I have to leave and return to the limitations of Skyping.


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